From the city to the countryside, from the streets to the rolling hills. We feel inspired to go back to our beginnings, to our usual places.
Esmeralda Iturriaga.
Gaimo design team leader.
A good year
Is a homecoming story with the happiest of endings. A romantic and hilariously funny film starring Russell Crowe. His character rediscovers the value of friendship, nature and time. Along the way, walking through dreamy vineyards, he also rekindles his romance with his childhood sweetheart: Marion Cotillard.
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The place where Picasso learned
Fábrica en Horta de Ebro, 1909
A line of artistic and cultural energy connects the work of Cézanne with the Pablo Picasso´s era in Horta de Sant Joan, a small village in Tarragona. Here Picasso painted transcendent works for the beginnings of Cubism, to the point that the artist himself declared: “Everything I know, I learned in Horta.”
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